I am in my second year here at Spellman. My first year was filled with relationship building and service trips, which I loved. I liked being on the NCYC trip with my students in Indianapolis, the trip was filled with love for Jesus and a trip I will never forget. My proudest moment was when one of my sophomore students asked me to be her confirmation sponsor last year. I was able to confirm her and watch a few of my other students be confirmed into the Catholic faith.
I am a Spellman alumnus (2019) and a Stonehill alum (2023), I also attended Saint Joseph School in Holbrook (closed) from pre-k to 8th grade. Through all of my Catholic education I have been on service trips, been in liturgical dance, became a eucharistic minister, and now come full circle with teaching theology at my alma mater. I am currently in the process of getting my master's in special education at Bridgewater State.