My time at Spellman has been very rewarding. Last year I came to Spellman after my previous school closed. Needless to say I was quite apprehensive not knowing anyone or what the student body was like. My favorite memory is how welcomed I was by the administration, faculty and above all the students. It took a while to settle in but as the year progressed I became more and more a part of the amazing Spellman family. Now in my second year I truly love being at Spellman. My proudest moment would have to be the success my AP American Government students achieved on the AP exam. This year I am teaching AP American Government; American Government Honors and American Government CP
This is my 36th year teaching. All 36 years have been in Catholic education. My first six years of teaching were at my parish school, Espirito Santo School in Fall River. I taught for 28 years at Bishop Connolly High School also in Fall River. This is my second year at Cardinal Spellman. I am a life long resident of Fall River. I graduated from my parish school then went onto to Durfee High School where I played on the basketball team. After Durfee, I graduated from Bristol Community College then University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. I have 3 Master's Degrees - Social Science; Public Affairs; United States History. I have a very close knit family - my sister, 3 nieces, 3 great nephews and 1 great niece. I believe that teaching is the greatest job in the world and there is no better place to teach than at Cardinal Spellman High School.